Privacy Policy

The personal data provided by each user both during registration on our website and while using his/her Vigo Assets account is an important component of interaction between the user and Vigo Assets, regardless of the user’s investment status.
1. Any personal information provided by the user is confidential. Vigo Assets has done everything in its power to ensure that this information is securely protected against unauthorized third-party access. Therefore, Vigo Assets does not, under any circumstances, disclose your personal data to third parties.
2. Any transaction between Vigo Assets and a user is by default confidential and shall never be disclosed. Vigo Assets guarantees full confidentiality of all financial transactions and other business arrangements of the parties involved, without exception. Termination of cooperation for any reason or at the initiative of any party is not a reason for disclosure of details of any transaction.
3. In the course of interaction between Vigo Assets and the user, Vigo Assets may need to obtain some additional information about the user. Collection, processing and storage of such information is also fully subject to Vigo Assets's Privacy Policy, and such information may not be used in any way other than for the purposes provided for in the Agreement and the Privacy Policy. The information may be collected by Vigo Assets only using publicly available and publicly accessible sources, and upon request directly to and with the voluntary consent of the user.
4. The entire list of ways and methods of protecting user's personal information constitutes a trade secret for Vigo Assets and shall not, under any circumstances, be requested for by third parties. These data storage and protection methods may not be disclosed to users to ensure complete and absolutely reliable control over the confidentiality process.
Please note!
However, that the Privacy Policy may be suspended with respect to certain individuals in the following cases:
If there is a reasonable need to clarify a user’s identity in a situation where we have received a government request indicating that the user is involved in money laundering or is attempting to evade taxes;
If there is a reasonable need to clarify a user’s identity in a situation where we have received evidence that the user is attempting to infringe on Vigo Assets's tangible and intellectual property;
If there is a reasonable need to clarify a user’s identity in a situation where we have received a government request indicating that the user is funding terrorist and other extremist prohibited groups.

In addition to the foregoing reasons, Vigo Assets may disclose personal information of certain individuals in connection with a government request indicating that such individuals are involved in violations of the law, regardless of the severity of the offense.
Any other circumstances that might lead to the disclosure of personal data shall not be accepted by Vigo Assets and will be rejected by Vigo Assets without cause and without further negotiation and/or discussion.

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